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Jan 14th
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Mercury rising

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In South Africa, the mercury is rising in the hearts and minds of whites.

Brutal tortures of thousands of whites, that precedes their eventual massacre at the hands of de-facto black genocidaires, has changed the psyche of the pastorally-inclined boers.

The neo-genocide of the only white civilization group in the country, is incrementally being sped up exponentially with the unabated massacres of whole white families, throughout South Africa.

Even white toddlers are not being spared.

Black squatters camps appear overnight all over the country.

Whites that are forced into squatter camps by laws that prevent them from working, find their wooden homes under constant threat of being demolished by municipalities run by communist cadres and terrorist comrades.

The black squatter camps are being provided with electrification at the rate of 800 shacks per day. Telephones are being provided, and grants are freely available for hundreds of children born to a single black mother on the same day.

In the white squatter camps the country’s president paid one sordid visit with a lot of superfluous statements obviously aimed at the media, in a new wave of publicity stunts. Whites were promised grants will also be paid to them, after a period of 16 years. Many has since died, without a single cent being paid out of government coffers.

Whites with deformed faces due to advanced skin cancer, cannot afford to go to a state hospital for treatment. One day without begging, leaves the child dependants without food.

The whites are about ten percent of the total population, but hold approximately 46 % of all postgraduate qualifications in the country. The 800 000 whites that have been reduced to living in white squatter camps, can only be explained in terms of a comprehensive pro-white neo-genocide taking place.

Recently, some facebook groups spontaneously started resistance activism by blocking major routes in and around major cities in South Africa. White males and females vented boiling anger against the execution-style massacre of a whole family, including a three year old toddler, that was lifted by her hair, and shot execution style in the back of her head, by a gang of five black genocidaires.

Suspicions are rive that this brutal tortures and massacres of whites are the sharp side of the program of cultural indigenization that the ANC’s Youth League is implementing throughout the countryside.

Juveniles are initiated into the hard-core revolutionary groups by participating and carrying out these massacres. As part of the revolutionary process currently underway, in the communist’s final push for all property and material goods, the crowds need to be organized, influenced, and mobilized behind the revolutionary cadres.  By using juveniles to initiate, other juveniles are also mobilized for the coming large scale revolution that will see the massive disenfranchisement of whites of every kind of material goods.

New juvenile heroes are being created. New hero-worshippers are emerging in the crowds that cheer the genocidaires, when they are being brought to court, and when they depart in police-panzer cars, that whisk away the future leaders and heroes of Africa to places of safety.

Communism’s final push for all productive goods is underway in a new and last revolution of expectations in South Africa.

So far no-one seemed to notice. Or maybe the world just does not care.

But in the white civilization, the reality has dawned that they are being massacred daily. Systematic killings spawning a period in excess of  3 decades has taken it’s toll.

Faced with choices of denial, pacifism, futility, or activism; none of the choices available are enticing, exciting nor motivating.

The Boers are being exterminated anyway. And that in a country that was brought about by the great pioneering forefathers, the Voortrekkers. The Voortrekkers displaced the highest level of civilization, by establishing the current and modern South Africa.

And the boers are no longer fatefully accepting their fateful and bleak future under the governance of an intrinsically weak group of pagans, hell bent on the destruction of everything associated with the white culture.

Open resistance has occurred for two Mondays in a row on all major traffic networks throughout South Africa.  And that is a dangerous sign to knowledgeable people.

Many whites don’t want to watch television anymore, don’t discuss politics anymore, have lost reason regarding the political situation, and views this government with open animosity.

Political analysts like Dr Jan du Plessis are preparing futuristic scenarios for the top echelons of business, of scenarios bases on Somalian models. Warlords are the new rulers and owners of the country. They dispose of life and death, and decides who eats, and who starves. UN food aid is distributed to loyalists only. That basically excludes whites from the food chain.

Reports is rife with accompanying evidence on Facebook, of hatred spewn out from organizations such as Apla, and the PAC, against whites. Other persons on Facebook detected terror-training camps in the veld at Secunda, of black, future-terrorists.

It seems that the absenteeism of government in real life, and the presence of only a cleptocracy, is going to finally take it’s toll on the whole population of South Africa in 2011.

Before the onset of the world cup in 2010, developers stated that there will only be a feast of the uninvited and scavengers up to the world-cup. Thereafter, both property developers, and government knows the whole farcical “New South Africa” will come tumbling down.

And not the king’s horses and not the king’s men, will be able to  put Humpty Dumpty together again.


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